
22 Art Reviews

7 w/ Responses


It's an improvement on your previous busts, the face is actually drawn at the same angle as the head this time.
I'd hardly consider this to be a completed work though, especially since you yourself admit to have "slacked off" on half of the portrait. Why did you submit it as finished work to be put in the Portal...?

IloveNantes responds:

You know what? I question that myself. I question the meaning of the life of a mistakenly marked box. I'll change that now, thanks!


Lookin' kickass! :D
I'm really liking the shading and lighting on this.
Haha for some reason, his pose reminded me of Kerrigan, in that cutscene in WoL where she gets abandonned on Mar Sara. She does a bit of overhead shooting as well.


This looks FAN. TAS. TIC.
I'm just... in awe.
I'm also curious to know how long it took you to color this, but seriously. The lighting, the shading, the folds, the textures, the Master Sword... *o*
My only complaint is that the stubble makes him look manly compared to his general prettyboy look, but hey-- maybe Link could use a little more Rambo and a little less Legolas.
Seriously though, I am just... I can't even... excuse me while I pick up my jaw :D
Five'd. Fav'd. Ten Star'd. Love it. Want it. Need moar. <3


I love this little guy!
Having attempt to create creatures derived from existing animals, I know how difficult it is to come up with something original and this looks both adorable AND believable, if that makes any sense.
Awesome job with the colors, as with all your works.
I love the sketchiness of it.


You should draw moar.


This looks incredible, I love it and I loved the game!
There's nothing quite like the epic feeling of climbing up his sword after narrowly dodging his earth-shaking attack.


I didn't even know you were on NG!
I have no idea who or what this is referring to, but the caption made me giggle IRL :D
God I love the way you color stuff.

Je suis un bear.

Age 38, Male


Montreal, QC

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